Monday, December 1, 2014


There have been so many critiques — shot selection continually attacked, accuracy analyzed ad nauseam and even his missed free throws under siege after a late-game collapse against Minnesota.

There could be nothing short of praise for Bryant after the Lakers' 129-122 overtime victory Sunday against the Toronto Raptors. His game was nearly flawless, his numbers showed a triple-double and he became the first player in NBA history with 30,000 career points and 6,000 assists, gliding over the latter plateau with a third-quarter pass to Wesley Johnson that led to a successful 12-footer."It's a huge honor. It means I pass more than people say," Bryant said after accumulating 31 points, 12 assists and 11 rebounds at Staples Center. So i think the lakers have been not donng so hit in this season but im pretty sure everyone has noticed their effort to wining games. And i hope that they could make it far this season. We will just have to wait and see for these other games to come. 


The book i read was the hunger games a book writen by Suzane Collens. This storry follows the life of a 16 year old girl katness. And in this book she lives in a sort of dictatorship of a govt. and its not good for the people of the country. This book is probably the single best book ive ever read. I think that the fact that it was a violent kinda drew me to read it. I mean i read this book in 5th grade i thought it was really good. And there is also book 2&3. Ok a breif summary of the book-In a place once known as North America, now known as Panem, is a very rich City surrounded by twelve Districts. Every year because this very rich City, known as The Capitol, is so rich and likes to think they control all the Districts - which they do - there is something known as The Hunger Games! This is where two children, one boy and one girl from each district from the ages of twelve to eighteen, have to leave their families and compete in The Hunger Games, a live event that is aired on TV's all over Panem. When Katniss Everdeen, aged sixteen from District 12, has to volunteer to take the place of her twelve-year-old sister Prim after Prim's name is called forth to become the 23rd member to compete in The 74th Hunger Games she promises to Prim that she will win. Because District 12 is so poor, Katniss has been close to death many times from starvation but she's made it through it. But this is a different kind of close to death; this Katniss doesn't know if she can survive. She doesn't want to hurt, or kill anyone but when it comes down to it Katniss' instinct is to survive. But when she starts to have confusing feelings about the boy from her district who is also her fellow contender, things get worse, and then she teams up with the girl from District 11 and only one person can survive. But who will it be? Will her feelings get the better of her? Will she let someone else win so they don't have to die? If Katniss is going to win she's going to have to be brutal. She's going to have to kill. This is such a great book. A must read. Anyone who hasn't read this book must read it. This book will always stick with me as the best book i have read.  

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Autobiographical narrative

Well i was born and raise in Los Angeles CA. I lived all my life here. I lived all my life in a desent middle class home pretty normal. My parents are mexican i was born here. I have 4 siblings. 2 older sisters and a older brother and a younger brother. My mom and dad separated when i was about 12 or 13. And in at my dads house some days and at my moms some other days. I went to Alexandrea elementary for only first and kindergarden.  Then i proceeded to go to a school that opened that was literally 3 blocks down called Harvard elementary. Those were good times. Those were probably the best times of my life. Then when i went on to go to go to Bancroft MS and thats where i knew i hated school with a passion. I had good times and everything but overall i hated it. I disliked abunch of people. But it was all fine because i had my friends with me but i still hated the school and the teachers except my science and history teachers. 8th grade was good bc its the last year till you go to high school and we all do end of the year activities and it was fun. After that i went to go on to Fairfax HS. When i thought highschool was gonna be cool i was greatly mistaken. Many say that they are the best 4 years of ur life HELL NO! Highschool sucks so bad. My fresman year was ok and my sophmore year was also ok. But now that im a junior it sucks. All the hw they give is to much. My stress levels are over 9000. To much gor me to handle. But i have no choice but to try and put effort. Thats basically all thats going on right now and im just waiting till i leave highschool and go on to live my life. We will just have to wait and see 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

what is a american

                                                             What is a American
 To be a American is to love this country and to love everything about it An American is anyone who loves life enough to want the best that it has to offer. Americans are not automatically satisfied with their current situation. An American is anyone who understands that to achieve the best in life requires action, exertion, effort. Americans aren’t idle daydreamers; they take the initiative. An American is anyone who understands the need to use one’s mind and wits to meet life’s challenges. An American is anyone who understands that achieving the best in life requires risks. Immigrants have no assurance of success in a new land with different habits, institutions and language. They leave friends, relatives and familiar places, often risking their lives to cross oceans and hostile country to reach their new homes. But they, like all Americans, understand that the timid achieve nothing and forgo even that which sustains us through the worst of times. Americans seek personal liberty, to live as they see fit, to worship as they please. Americans will always be ambitious in every way shape or form thats how we are. Americans are always looking to improve in everything. We americans will always have that pride. And it will live on forever.