Wednesday, March 25, 2015

found haikus 2

                                                                     Found Haikus
1. First was the beat cop

now there are helicopters

just know whats coming shields personnel

sustained misconduct and force

a fatal shooting

3.grabbed the holstered gun

a struggle for the weapon

shot three times til dead

4. justice for the dead

i really dont know if so

we need justice now  

Monday, March 16, 2015

found haikus

                                                                    Found haiku's
1. La Relacion

Indians brought food

they brought them things like fish, nuts

then they embarked again.

2. Night

and they took the boy

where is he to go and why

chamber where he went

3. Straw into gold

in the south of France

they shared a home cooked meal

Mexican food promised

4. Poor Richards Almanac


Ben Franklin was really just that

a founding father

1500 word

                                                                                                                           Chris arrez per3
                                                     Civil disobedience And rights 
           All throughout history, there have been many different moments that are monumental. There has been moments of protest,wars,revolutions. These things all strive for the same goal no matter good or bad ; they all  wish for the same  achievement, change . There are all types of revolution  and so many times that disobedience has occurred, but the best way to protest or show civil disobedience is with non violence. Violence is never the answer. Civil disobedience and non violent revolution is the only way to bring positive change to the world. There are three people that have proven this. These big figures are Gandhi, dr king, and Howard Zinn. And they were the first to use their form of non violence. These leaders ate the greatest symbols of civil disobedience, non violence, and noncooperation with unjust laws.
         Gandhi lived from 1869-1948 gandhi if famously known as the father of his country and he was the leader of Indas fight for independence from british rule. Gandhi always urged his followers to always hold on to the principles of resistance without violence. Gandhi was send to prison many times even if her never raised a hand to deflect a hit from a british officer or solder. Gandhi once said “everywhere wars are fought and millions of people are killed the consequence is not the progress of a nation but its decline.” He even goes as far to say “no country has ever become or will ever become happy through victory in war. A nation does not rise that way, it only falls further.” This is very true this has happened with Hitler, Bin Laden, and even King George III. This is also a current issue with the terrorist group know as the ISIS. They use force or the killing of people to achieve their goals and the all fell or are falling because of this. Another method they would use is Satyagraha in which one is to suffer a consequence while the other is spared. Gandhi explains that a state is only possible if there are two entities, the rulers and the ruled. They are the govt. only if we consider ourselves their subjects. Gandhi once said “be the change you wish to see in the world.” One man did that and it was Martin Luther King Jr who was inspired by Gandhi.
        Martin Luther King Jr was raised a christian but became a brilliant and eloquent leader of the US civil rights movement. King was a peaceful civil rights leader. He had seen what Gandhi did in India and became inspired. King like Gandhi went to jail many times for his philosophy of nonviolence. In his letter from Birmingham City jail, King explains nonviolence. In this letter, King explains why he follows some laws and breaks others. King writes “there are two types of laws, there are just and there are unjust laws. I would agree with St Agustine that an unjust law is no law at all.” King is saying that he will follow just the right areas but that he will not follow the wrong, unjust,immoral laws. He breaks unjust laws so openly. King was a courageous and passionate man. King like Gandhi never did anything to hurt people but only to help them. Dr King had a dream and this dream was nothing more but to have equality, unity, and peace
          Howard Zinn is a historian,activist and social critic. He believes that people submits to because they are told, feel as they owe something or that they have too. He states “if you study the actual working of the justice system over the course of history, it become clear that it favors the rich over the poor. Gandhi, King , and Howard Zinn believe in non violence for solving more problems and helping people. People should apply this in the middle east, with the jews and the palestinians and even in the US. We can change for the better  

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Michael jordan , the most popular athlete in the world, is arguably the greatest basketball player of all time. He led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships in the 1990's, and had a lot of success on the United States Olympic team as well. He left college after his junior year to join the league. He was drafted by the Chicago Bulls and soon proved himself on the court. Michael Jordan dominated the sport from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s. He led the Chicago Bulls to six national championships as well as earned the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Most Valuable Player Award for five times. This professional basketball player has accomplished so much more. He is also an Olympic athlete, business entrepreneur, and actor. His teammates would described how Jordan didn’t take the time to sulk because he missed these free throws. He came out to the next game with a fresh mindset, not letting the loss from the previous night effect how he played.It is important to have a mindset like this in life. Yes, it is inevitable that you will fail at something, or not do as well as planned at a task in some point in life. It is okay to learn from your mistakes, but you mustn’t let failure hold you back from achieving the things you want. I’ve had to use this mindset many times since I’ve been here at Carolina. There have been many times where I didn’t get the grade I wanted, or I wasn’t selected for a position I wanted. I used these experiences as a way to learn what I did wrong and better myself. Having this mindset helped Jordan become successful in his basketball career. Thats why hes the greatest of all time he always kept that same mindset to never give up and to better himself and to improve more from last time and thats why hes the best.

mla citation 2

In Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games, the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy, we learn the story of the heroin, Katniss Everdeen, and the country Panem. The book is set in the future, after the apocalypse. It is in a world ruled by an all-powerful government and there is poverty everywhere. Katniss’s determination to survive really shines through in this book. This is one of my favorite books because of its intriguing plot and how it makes me feel like I am actually witnessing each event as it unfolds.
Panem is a country where North America once stood. There is a central city called the Capital and twelve districts surrounding it. The government is located in the Capital and holds complete power. We first meet Katniss Everdeen in District 12 where she lives. It is a poor district located in the region Appalachia and most of the people there must mine coal. Forests surround the district and that is where Katniss makes her living.
Katniss is a sixteen year old girl who is a natural survivor, very lethal, and good at thinking outside the box. She is a highly skilled archer, hunter, trapper, and can distinguish many different plants. Also, she can sing very well and is a good tree climber. Since her father died when she was eleven, Katniss has been illegally hunting with her best friend Gale to provide for her mother and younger sister Primrose. Katniss protects those she loves no matter what the cost like when she volunteers to take Prim’s place in the Hunger Games. One thing Katniss is known for it the gold pin of a mockingjay she wears into the arena. Soon, it becomes a part of who she is and what she represents.
Imagine having to put your name in a bowl, multiple times, and hope it does not get chosen. If it does, you must fight twenty-three other people to death. This is just what the children of Panem must go through each year. This book will capture its reader and keep them till the very end. it is very action pack and it will grab your attention and will get you off guard. A really good read. 

Monday, February 23, 2015


me in my opinion i am against nuclear power. Yes we all know that nuclear power powers large masses of our cities and many other things. But we have to really think about what the waste that comes from nuclear power. And what it could d to our environments and human life on our earth. everyone is sure that they do not want to live next to nuclear filth and everyone can agree. if anything were to happen like a nuclear meltdown or a natural disaster that will cause nuclear waste to come out the plant we will have problems.the surrounding area will be inhabitable. it could get people sick  and it could kill wildlife and give cancer The 2011  disaster at Fukushima showed the world that nuclear power is clearly fundamentally unsafe. The meltdown at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was the worst thing to happen since Chernobyl in substane nuclear power we have to spend alot of money on power plants and all that. and powerplants are really vulnerable to terrorist attacks.The quantity of uranium is limited and will lower. The price will go up really high. If the world picks nuclear power as a major source of energy, there will be uranium wars just like the oil wars. There are unlikely to be wars fought over sustainable locally generated solar, wind or wave power. Since nuclear waste will be dangerous for thousands of years, we are dumping our energy problems on future generations instead of thinking of so many new ways of creating energy that are available to us to make power greener and eco friendly The fear of a repeat of a nuclear accident is so great that despite all the safety arrangements touted by the nuclear equipment operators and suppliers, Nuclear Energy faces an uncertain future.The Regulations for Nuclear Energy Power Plants are many and cumbersome due to the massive risks of a failure of a nuclear reactor. This greatly increases the costs of generating nuclear power. It also leads to a long time in the actual start to the completion of a Nuclear Plant.Uranium which is the main fuel used in Nuclear Fission Power Plants is limited to a few countries and suppliers. Its use and transport is regulated by international treaties and groups. India which came under sanctions because of testing of nuclear weapons had to shut many of its nuclear plants because of embargoes.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

descriptive essay

My room is what everyone calls “The Chill Room”. In this room there are all kinds of items that been collected throughout the years. There are several black lights, posters, and a bumping stereo. And even though my room is small it easily holds everything to make it comfortable and chill. 
At night the black lights engulf the whole ceiling with light. The light includes a tinge of blue which emitted by one of the black lights. This light is a 42 inch double fixture which was painted fluorescent blue. The light from the two tubes hits the blue coloring, giving the blue to everything in the room. The other black light has an all black fixture that emits no color except the color it all ready produces and measured the same as the other black light (42”). There are few items in this room that are black light sensitive; from posters to glass material the room has many highlight glowing. The black light gives a lot of character to the room in the sense of whoever enters the room, suddenly changes color. Clothes go from white to light purple and the color of the clothes sometimes changes. Different lighting effects are also used to help give the room more of a relaxing and chill environment. A small light covered in blue plastic wrap sit in place inside my closet. This light is bright enough only to light just the closet, yet it does not impede on the acquired blue tinge. A dark blue lava lamp which is on day and night is placed near my television, which also gives the room a unique look to it. 

A large variety of posters fill every wall that represents few interest The majority of the posters consist of  thrasher mag. These posters were collected through the internet, and some were given by friends. Anyone who walks into the room can tell what type of music is preferred by looking at some the posters on the walls. Such artist as 2pac and biggie. the whole crew from Metallica, and an almost life size picture of a pit-bull, it all gives the room a nice touch of style. You can see a few pictures of cars on the walls: Ferraris, BMW, racing cars and customized cars. 
Last but not least the stereo system. This SONY three disk CD player is capable of producing 500watts of sound. This powerhouse is channeled to four separate speakers, all providing the most perfect surround sound for the room. The two main speakers each consist of an eight inch speaker, and two other internal tweeters. The other two speakers are four inches in diameter, and provide a nice midrange of sound. Which gives it its smooth and relaxing feeling where to the reader would not want to leave the room. 
The “Chill Room” is like the author’s haven. Everything he could need and want to have a relaxing everyday life is in it. Many have complimented him for the lighting effects, and for the choice of posters. Later in the future there awaits the day when there would be a new house and there the new chill room will be more than twice as large as it is now. Who knows what will happen to this chill room...