Monday, March 16, 2015

1500 word

                                                                                                                           Chris arrez per3
                                                     Civil disobedience And rights 
           All throughout history, there have been many different moments that are monumental. There has been moments of protest,wars,revolutions. These things all strive for the same goal no matter good or bad ; they all  wish for the same  achievement, change . There are all types of revolution  and so many times that disobedience has occurred, but the best way to protest or show civil disobedience is with non violence. Violence is never the answer. Civil disobedience and non violent revolution is the only way to bring positive change to the world. There are three people that have proven this. These big figures are Gandhi, dr king, and Howard Zinn. And they were the first to use their form of non violence. These leaders ate the greatest symbols of civil disobedience, non violence, and noncooperation with unjust laws.
         Gandhi lived from 1869-1948 gandhi if famously known as the father of his country and he was the leader of Indas fight for independence from british rule. Gandhi always urged his followers to always hold on to the principles of resistance without violence. Gandhi was send to prison many times even if her never raised a hand to deflect a hit from a british officer or solder. Gandhi once said “everywhere wars are fought and millions of people are killed the consequence is not the progress of a nation but its decline.” He even goes as far to say “no country has ever become or will ever become happy through victory in war. A nation does not rise that way, it only falls further.” This is very true this has happened with Hitler, Bin Laden, and even King George III. This is also a current issue with the terrorist group know as the ISIS. They use force or the killing of people to achieve their goals and the all fell or are falling because of this. Another method they would use is Satyagraha in which one is to suffer a consequence while the other is spared. Gandhi explains that a state is only possible if there are two entities, the rulers and the ruled. They are the govt. only if we consider ourselves their subjects. Gandhi once said “be the change you wish to see in the world.” One man did that and it was Martin Luther King Jr who was inspired by Gandhi.
        Martin Luther King Jr was raised a christian but became a brilliant and eloquent leader of the US civil rights movement. King was a peaceful civil rights leader. He had seen what Gandhi did in India and became inspired. King like Gandhi went to jail many times for his philosophy of nonviolence. In his letter from Birmingham City jail, King explains nonviolence. In this letter, King explains why he follows some laws and breaks others. King writes “there are two types of laws, there are just and there are unjust laws. I would agree with St Agustine that an unjust law is no law at all.” King is saying that he will follow just the right areas but that he will not follow the wrong, unjust,immoral laws. He breaks unjust laws so openly. King was a courageous and passionate man. King like Gandhi never did anything to hurt people but only to help them. Dr King had a dream and this dream was nothing more but to have equality, unity, and peace
          Howard Zinn is a historian,activist and social critic. He believes that people submits to because they are told, feel as they owe something or that they have too. He states “if you study the actual working of the justice system over the course of history, it become clear that it favors the rich over the poor. Gandhi, King , and Howard Zinn believe in non violence for solving more problems and helping people. People should apply this in the middle east, with the jews and the palestinians and even in the US. We can change for the better  


  1. Interesting topic to talk about. I found a couple of grammar errors along with some spelling errors but you actually went into detail. I saw how you talked about ISIS and the situation over there. Decent job.

  2. You stayed on topic, making it very interesting and engaging to read. You showed Ghandi's, King's, Howard Zinn's values that are very inspiring.
